Summer Safety: Avoiding Wildfires - Fire Trade Supplies

As the temperatures heat up, we're looking at how we can stay fire safe this summer. In this blog, we're going through top tips to prevent wildfires, and what to do if you see one.

Wildfires are fast-spreading, aggressive and pose a large threat to the environment and people. They are typically caused by human activity (often accidentally). Did you know, only 10-15% of wildfires have natural causes?


Causes of Wildfires:

The weather is a large factor in how severe a wildfire becomes. If there is hot weather and low rainfall, the ground will be dry and act like a fuel. High winds will encourage the fire to spread.

  • BBQs 
  • Campfires
  • Bonfires
  • Discarded cigarettes
  • Fires caused deliberately; arson


Preventing Wildfires

Take your litter home

In the summer months, more people are having picnics, BBQs and gatherings. It is important that you take your litter home with you or dispose of it properly in a bin. Litter catches fire easily and can encourage a fire to spread.

Take glass bottles home - sunlight can reflect through glass bottles and start a fire. It is important you do not leave them outside where they can become a risk.

Dispose of cigarettes properly - do not throw cigarette butts on the floor or out of windows as this may trigger a fire.


Only have BBQs & fires in controlled areas

Click here for more information on BBQ safety.

BBQs that become out of control can be a risk-factor, especially disposable BBQs. Make sure your BBQ has completely cooled before disposing of it, and never leave it unattended. 

Avoid having fires in very dry weather.


If you spot a wildfire - 

  • Ensure you are in a safe place
  • Do not attempt to put out the fire yourself
  • Close all windows and vents, but do not lock yourself in.
  • Call 999.