How to Avoid Nuisance Re-Alarms - Fire Trade Supplies

Learn how to avoid nuisance re-alarms with this helpful guide from DetectorTesters!

Why do re-alarms occur?

Nuisance re-alarms can be frustrating and time consuming. They happen when lingering smoke from smoke canisters reactivate the alarm being tested. In some cases, multiple resets may be required before the engineer can move on.


What are smoke capsules?

Smoke capsules reduce mess, over-application and the risk of re-alarms. The smoke capsule generates a non-toxic smoke stimulus using a specially formulated fluid. This means the testing environment is safe and efficient.


In the video below, Paul from DetectorTesters discusses how nuisance re-alarms can be avoided.


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Testifire 1001

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DetectortestersFire detectionNo climbSmoke detectorsSoloTestifire

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