Upgrade Strategies for Discontinued Menvier MF9300 Series and JSB FX2208 Fire Alarm Panels - Fire Trade Supplies

If you have got an 8 zone Menvier MF9300 series or a JSB 2208 (Cooper or Eaton FX2208CPD) fire alarm panel installed within your property then it will have been installed some years ago. Like all electronic equipment, sooner or later the fire alarm panel will fail and you will need to replace it. The bad news is that the Menvier MF9300 and JSB FX2208 fire alarm panels were discontinued by Eaton some years ago and a direct like for like replacement fire alarm panel is not available.

However, all is not lost as Eaton have recently issued us with the following advice on how best to approach replacing the Menvier MF9308 and JSB FX2208 (Cooper or Eaton FX2208CPD) fire alarm panels.

Click here to view the Menvier MF9300 Series fire alarm panel datasheet.

Click here to view the JSB FX2200 Series fire alarm panel datasheet


If you have a site with a Menvier MF9300 series panel with Menvier 800 series detection only, which fails, you have two replacement options:

Menvier MF9300 Fire Alarm PanelClick here to view the Eaton FXP50016 16 zone conventional fire alarm panel.

Option 1 is to replace the fire alarm panel with a new 16 zone FXP50016 Eaton fire alarm panel. You will also need to change all the end of line units on the detection and sounder circuits but you can retain the existing detectors and bases and all other devices.

Option 2 is to replace the fire alarm panel with the new 8 zone EFCV8Z-NB Eaton fire alarm panel. However, if you choose this approach you will need to change all the detector bases from the Menvier 800 series bases to the still current FXN520 detector bases. You will also need to change the end of line units, as with Option 1.

Click here to view the Eaton 8 zone EFCV8Z-NB fire alarm panel.


If you have a Menvier 9300 series fire alarm panel with a mix of Menvier 600/700/800 series fire detectors which fails out in the field, you also have two options:

Option 1 is to replace all the Menvier 600/700 series fire detectors with Menvier 800 series fire detectors and replace the Menvier 9300 series fire alarm panel with a new 16 zone FXP50016 Eaton fire alarm panel. You will also need to change all the end of line units on the detection and sounder circuits but you can retain the existing detectors and bases and all other devices.

Option 2 is to replace all the existing detection with the current Eaton FX range and replace the fire alarm panel with the new 8 zone EFCV8 Eaton fire alarm panel. You will also need to change the end of line units.

Please note that Menvier fire detectors, although extremely reliable, have a recommended working life of ten years.

If some of your sites still have Menvier 600/700 or even 800 series fire detectors installed, this could mean that they significantly exceed their recommended working life.

Menvier 600 series fire detectors were manufactured between 1980 and 1996, Menvier 700 series from 1996 to 2004, and the Menvier (now Eaton) 800 series from 2004 to the present day. The worst case scenario is, therefore, that you could have fire detectors which are nearing 40 years old.


JSB FX2200 Series Fire Alarm PanelIf you have a standalone JSB FX2208 (Cooper or Eaton FX2208CPD) fire alarm panel (without a repeater panel), which fails out in the field and all of the fire detectors are of the JSB type (FXN922, FXN533, FXN632, FXN524, FXN525 OR FXN526) with JSB bases (FXN520) then you can replace this faulty panel with the new EFCV8Z-NB fire alarm panel without having to replace any devices. You will however, still need to change all of the end of line units on the detection and sounder circuits.

If you require any further assistance then please call us on +44 (0) 330 0563094 or email us at sales@firetradesupplies.com





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